Journey Support
We are a team of experts with significant knowledge in managing surrogacy journeys. Having assisted hundreds of gestational carriers over the years, our experience enabled us to create standard protocols to support surrogacy journeys. The value provided is support, medical protocol compliance, and education. GCs love being supported and fewer complications surface.
The key to our approach is the use of technology and humans. We developed custom surrogacy specific management software focused on assisting surrogates. We communicate with them via calls, text and/or email, combined with 24/7 bilingual human support for truly personalized care. This combination makes a surrogacy journey a smooth process for all parties involved.
It also registers all actions taken along the way, building trust and improving compliance noticeably. We also reduce the fear factor by educating the GC as to what to expect with videos, instructions and more in each step of the way.

Embarking on a surrogacy journey is intended to be fulfilling, but it can be challenging at times. Having proper support significantly enhances the overall experience. Surrogacy involves meticulous monitoring of the Gestational Carrier’s (“GC” hereafter) health and the baby’s well-being. Unlike regular pregnancies, surrogacy pregnancies entail a higher number of medical appointments, often exceeding 20, primarily due to interactions with the fertility clinic and specific treatments for the GC.
Based on both experience and the guidance of psychology professionals specializing in surrogacy, it is advised that the Intended Parents ("IPs" hereafter) may not be the most suitable support for the GC. Optimal support for the GC and the documentation of her journey for the IPs are best provided by a neutral third party.
​Supporting the GC not only makes her journey less stressful but also more fulfilling. Providing her with a virtual assistant (support person/case manager) simplifies her life and provides a source of emotional support during challenging times. Additionally, IPs appreciate staying informed about the journey and cherishing milestones such as receiving photos of ultrasounds. This is where the roles of a Case Manager/Journey Support Specialist come into play. This is what we specialize in.
Journey Services
24/7 English/Spanish assistance
Expert medical advice
Appointment reminders
Emotional support
Registration of the process​
Introduction to IVF
Timeline and expectations
Year-round nurses Administration of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.
2 Prenatal visits
1 Post-Partum visit
Information and resource support
Continuous active labor support
Follow billing control
Analysis of Contract Terms
Payment details per contract
Journey Support Bundles of Joy
Making the adequate support and resources available for a woman who chooses to become a GC, has an impact not only in their perspective of their journey but also in the way they see and spread the word about you as an agency.
Don't hesitate to contact Nayeli for any additional information: