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Family Creation Consulting Services

Family creation consulting services for those using surrogacy, gamete donation, lawyers, and IVF clinics.  Services are independent and geared for those using international providers.


Services include, but not limited to:


  • Country selection based on your needs and budget

  • IVF clinic provider

  • Surrogacy, egg and sperm donation agencies

  • Bio-courier assistance for shipping eggs, sperm, embryos

  • Lawyer sourcing and contract review

  • Explanation of all medical procedures and aid in decision making

  • Readily available phone consultation throughout the entire surrogacy process


Learn more about our services


The process of using assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is complicated and confusing to non-medical people.  The creation of family with third parties such as surrogates, IVF clinics, egg donors, and lawyers is complicated, expensive and daunting.  All this gets extra complicated when you are working in other countries than your home.  Let an expert hold your hand and take you from beginning to end.


The Offer of Dr. Kramer and Astarte Group

Dr. Kramer  has consulted with several hundred people who were creating or wanted to create family.  His education includes a Ph.D. in reproductive endocrinology and embryology. Today, he offers this experience and knowledge to help you with the process.  Under his direction, his teams have created over 450 new family members.


Your Benefit

You leverage our collective experience and global connections. You will save money, avoid scams, and find the venue best for your needs and budget. You will have someone to assist you in making the right decisions along the way.  This will bring you piece of mind and make the process less stressful and more enjoyable.


The Proposal

Are you trying to create family via domestic or international surrogacy?  Do you find it overwhelming, not knowing what is all needed, in what order, and not knowing who to trust?  There is a solution that will put your mind at ease.


Dr. Kramer offers individual consulting services to those seeking to create

family through assisted reproductive technologies (ART) with surrogacy.  

The service includes a review of your proposed strategy (path) and

advisement on best options.  His services include selecting an IVF clinic,

surrogacy provider, lawyers, sourcing eggs and sperm, and more. 

From here, he will guide you on all of the medical procedures,

explain how they work, and aid you in decision making until your baby

is born.


Dr. Kramer, will be your personal, unbiased guide, throughout your entire

process from start to birth.


Provided are explanations of how ART/surrogacy procedures work

and references (education) to medical literature and the surrogacy process. 

Examples can include IVF with intercytoplasmic sperm injection, genetic

testing (PGT-A, PGT-X), egg retrieval, assisted hatching, embryo transfer

(one or two embryos), legal aspects, advice on contracts, GC screening

and management.


Why Dr. Kramer?

He has worked in the area of ART/surrogacy in the United States and

globally since 2014 where he and partners were able to bring to the

world 450+ babies.  His connections in the area of surrogacy are global. 

His assistance enables people to select the best methods, places,

to create their family.  The advice can save you time, money, reduce stress,

and put things into proper biological perspective thus setting expectations

correct.  His credentials are below*.



Features, Matters Dr. Kramer can assist you with,

  • Finding the correct and legal venue for you in the world: USA, Ukraine, Mexico, Kenya, etc.

  • Source a reliable fertility clinic (IVF) for you

  • Advise and source an egg donor or egg bank (pricing, etc.,)

  • Advise on how many eggs will you need

  • Source legal services

  • Advise on which bio-courier to use

  • Advise on if pricing is fair and correct for the venue

  • Advise in selection of a gestational carrier 

  • Advise in the selection of an egg donor

  • Assist in reviewing surrogacy agency contracts

  • Assist and advise with gestational carrier contracts

  • Advise if genetic testing is right for you

  • Advise as to what genetic tests you may want (PGT-A, PGT-M, PGT-X, etc.)

  • Explain how medical procedures work, such as ICSI, IVF, assisted hatching, etc.

  • Help you understand egg retrieval expectations and IVF outcomes

  • Assist in determining how many embryos to transfer


  • Ten years working in surrogacy, 450+ babies

  • Global connections to egg banks, surrogacy agencies, lawyers, IVF clinics and cryo-transport services

  • Deep understanding of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) procedures

  • Former owner of two surrogacy agencies

  • Director of GC screening operation that screened over 100,000 women

  • Oversaw the management of 500 gestational carriers 

  • Member of American Society of Reproductive Medicine and Seeds

  • Ph.D. and Master’s degrees in reproductive endocrinology

  • Former biomedical researcher in reproductive biology

  • Post-doctorate degree in Pharmacology and Toxicology

  • Former FDA consultant

  • Former Harvard Medical School faculty



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